PREFACE : The Karnataka Jesuit Educational Society (KJES) is a registered Christian Minority Religious Society, run by the Catholic Religious Order called Society of Jesus, whose members are popularly known as Jesuits. It is a non-profit making, non-sectarian, non-governmental, educational organization engaged in education, research and training. The Society by running educational institutions aims at contributing to nation building by training students to develop concern, compassion and informed conscience.
MINORITY INSTITUTIONS : All the Institutions administered by the Society and those that may be formed hereafter are Religious Minority Institutions and function under Articles 29 and 30 of the Constitution. These Institutions have received recognition from the Government of Karnataka. Minority rights are granted to preserve, promote and protect the culture of the minority community, to cherish and foster the basic philosophy of life in which the institutions are rooted and from which they draw their sustenance. The purpose and objectives of these rights are to encourage the minorities to make their contribution to the building up of an egalitarian society and a secular state. Consequently, acceptance, appreciation of and abiding by such a philosophy is expected of all the employees of the institutions. All the rules and regulations of the Society are meant to further the cause of education in its fullest sense where the formation of students is central.
OBJECTIVES : The specific objectives of the Institutions under the care of the Society are: a) academic excellence, b) social concern c) character formation and d) Christian and human values.
a. Academic Excellence:Teaching in the Institutions of the Society is not confined to mere imparting of textual knowledge and completion of syllabi. The teaching staff is expected to go beyond the academic requirements and to inculcate in students intellectual curiosity, habits of systematic work, critical reflection and an aptitude for research. A compelling urge for advanced forms of study should be the natural corollary of academic excellence. The Management expects from all its employees intellectual integrity, a personal quest for knowledge and commitment to academic advancement by keeping in touch with the latest developments in one’s own field of specialization. Consequently, research, publications, teaching and training, form part of academic work. Besides a measure of familiarity with other fields of knowledge and culture as a part of general intellectual excellence is expected.
b. Social Concern : Education is a tool to improve the quality of life chiefly of the disadvantaged. The admission policy of the Society, therefore, is in favour of the socially and economically marginalized groups. An equally important aspect of the educational endeavour promoted by the Society is to inculcate in students a concern for society so that the students become perceptive of the various regional, national and international forces that threaten harmony and peace and inflict hardship on the poor. Teachers are expected to be aware of the social reality and integrate the social dimension in their teaching, learning and research. The Society desires to train students who are socially conscious and ready to stake their lives for others.
c. Character Formation : Character formation is an integral part of education. Character includes behaviour, values, attitudes to life and society. All our Institutions must insist on hard work, discipline, perseverance, honesty, integrity, sensitivity to others and universal love that embraces all people cutting across barriers of language, religion and caste. To further the cause of education, the Management expects its teachers to be involved in counseling at the individual level, remedial work, personality development programmes, Associations and co-curricular activities and be partners with the Management in fulfilling the objectives.
d. Christian and Human Values :Our Institutions shall make a positive effort to promote universal, Christian and human values through instruction imparted specially during the Faith Formation, Value Education programmes and through the campus culture carefully articulated and promoted. Those employed in our institutions will strive to imbibe these values and witness to them in their life and work both on the campus and outside. These service conditions and rules of service of KJES governing the employees of KJES have approved by the Governing Body of KJES and will come into effect from 01 June 2014.